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What, exactly, is Help Desk Studio?

We built HDS as a way to help everyone access the super power that is modern technology. Unfortunately, these tools are often locked behind jargon, spec sheets, and geek speak.

Our goal is to bring coaches, mentors, content creators into the 21st century, by creating easy-to-use yet robust educational tools that speak regular human speak.

This means letting you access these tools that can super charge your business, your efficiency, and take away the worry that you are getting left behind by technology.

Self-Directed Courses

Courses that you can take at your own pace.

Simple Studio Course

Direct Consulting

Need more hands on help? Book a zoom call, or create a hybrid course with us.

Educational Tools

Guides, PDFs, and communities that helps you get the help you need, at your speed.

Meet The Team

With a wide range of skills and backgrounds, we are a small team, with a lot of drive and creativity behind us. We all started working together to build our photography business into the insanely creative and efficient system that it is today, then took those skills and built HDS as a way to help anyone use the advanced technology that we all have access to.

michael in studio HDS portrait
Founder, Course Creator, Geek

Michael Stewart Patrick Kent

Founder of HDS, photographer, educator, and the one that keeps all of our systems not only from falling apart - but pushing us to be more efficient and working smarter not harder.

I am a coffee loving, extroverted nerd who is always ready for a great conversation. I dream big, I’m terrible at directions, yet I can explain in detail how a black hole works. People describe me as a golden retriever or having camp councilor energy, which I take as the highest of compliments.

Also, camera geek, computer nerd, art freak. I build computers for fun, and generally carry around 3-4 cameras on me at all times.

Basicly, I am passionate about many things, but here I bring technology super powers to those that don’t consider themselves “techy”.

Educational Lead

Brooke Allen

With a Masters in Education from the University of Michigan, and 7 years in the classroom, Brooke makes sure that all of our educational materials will ACTUALLY teach you something.

Simple Studio lighting
Communications, brainstorming team, master of implementation

Brianna Holden