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Simple Studio Syllabus

Education is the backbone of what we do here, so before anything we want you to know what you are going to learn from this course.

Be Prepared to Learn:

Record clear and clean audio

Create audio that not only engages, but allows you to repurpose your audio for other thing.


Capture crisp video

Leave the 1990s webcam behind, and create visual content that transcends your competition and engages your audience.


Create beautiful lighting

Whether natural or artificial light, be seen in your best, most flattering light.


Select Your space

What to look for, and what to avoid when you are selecting your space.


Gather the right equipment

A list of the kinds of equipment you will need to create your space.


Tech and Install

A simple-to-follow yet robust guide to building the perfect studio for your content


Get creating today

Get going with a basic, yet easy-to-follow workflow, and get creating today.


Ready To Get Focused?

Simple Studio online course

Start Building Today!